
Foxtel On Xbox 360 Has A Free Trial

Foxtel On Xbox 360 has a free one month trial going on at the moment. You can sign up here. It's one of those deals where you have to sign up with your credit card details so they can charge you for your second month of use if you forget to cancel the trial during the first month. So remember to set a couple of calendar alerts on your phone to remind you to cancel the trial if you're not digging it.

They of course make it as hard as possible to find the section where you can cancel the trial. I obviously haven't tried it yet but I'm pretty sure you can find it on this page, just scroll down past the "update package" section.

I'm interested in trying out the Xbox Foxtel service because its super simple to set up and there are no contracts. The reason I haven't bought a month to try it out before is because I really only want the sports channels which you have to purchase as an additional package on top of the basic service. That's always been the way with Pay TV I know, but I'd rather pay 20 dollars a month just for Fox Sports.

The other big draw back is the service is only un-metered on Telstra. I have an iiNet account with a pretty big bandwidth allowance, but I certainly wouldn't want to leave Foxtel running while I was cooking dinner.

I'll share my thoughts on the service after the trial is complete.


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