Update 17th of March 2010
Game Over. However, I successfully campaigned to make sure Jess's scores be fairly considered and she has made the top five! So please allocate your support to her from now on. They have stretched the "Top 5" so it now includes six people. So... I came seventh, obviously they didn't feel the need to stretch further... I realise that gives Jess statistically less of a chance to win but... that's corporate competitions for you!
Update 14th of March 2010
Round 3 finals challenge has been completed, awaiting results. It's unlikely that I will get through but I did manage to have one victory. The challenge was flawed in the way it was set up, leading to at least 40% of contestants being severely disadvantaged. I had assumed it would be dealt with pretty simply after I brought it up to the group but found some pretty explosive opposition from some members of the 60% who benefitted from the mistake. They wanted to discredit my thoughts on the matter, claiming I was biased and they were somehow impartial because the mistake helped give them a large advantage. Simple logic prevailed however and they did not succeed with their scare campaign. A solution that makes the contest more even seems to have been found. Hopefully some of the other contestants I stuck up for in the war make it through!
This whole contest has been a much bigger victory than a trip to the USA would have been. I made at least one new friend, if not more, developed more trust with some of my older friends and as an added bonus got some good exposure for my filmmaking! I hope to have a more regular presence on Jimmerish.com for the rest of the year.
Update 4th of March 2010
Top Ten!
Update 28th of February 2010
My video for the 2nd finals round challenge of iiNet's TopGeek competition is now online for you to view and "Like" (If you want to support my campaign). This round we had to pitch an idea for a TV Show or Movie in a geek genre. You had to write a treatment and film or storyboard a scene to demonstrate the film/show's premise.
- You can watch my video in full quality on Vimeo (or below) but please "Like" the youtube version here.
- You can see all the entries from the other TopGeeks who submitted videos here.
- ( I'll update this post later when the storyboards from the other competitors are online to view)
Update 18th of February 2010
Made it into the second round of the finals for the competition! Despite the judges comments I am apparently ranked third after the first round. Thanks to everyone who liked the video on youtube and kept it in the judges' minds.
Update 16th of February 2010
Round 1 of iiNet's Top Geek finals is here. You can help me out by sharing, watching, and most importantly "liking" my Challenge 1 Video here.
What else can I do?
There are 18 other entrants remaining in the finals, you can see all the videos for the first challenge here. You can buy the soundtrack used in my Top Geek videos on iTunes here. You can see the Challenge 1 video in HD here. If you would like to go behind the scenes, check out this video below that features a Director's commentary of my Challenge 1 Video:
Stay tuned to see what happens next. Until then, you can see me spoil the view of some very beautiful women. Or perhaps you could play the Top Geeks on Xbox Live by adding "topgeekoz" as a friend and viewing that account's friend list or join the Steam group. Check out my Top Geek profile here. Or You can watch my original bid video below:
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